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Ulyanov Jury Vladimirovich
Faculty: «Computing engineering and informatics» Speciality: «System programming» Group: SP-01m E-mail: Theme of master's degree work: «Development of structure of network cryptographic devices on the basis of HDL and FPGA technologies» Scientific Leader: Zinchenko Jury Evgenyevich (associate professor of ECM department of DonNTU) E-mail:
About myself (mainly):
Middle mark in the period of teaching in the university: 4.76.
I freely own the Russian and Ukrainian languages. I own English in a volume, sufficient for correspondence. I have an experience of programming in following languages: Assembler, Basic, VBA, Pascal/Object Pascal, C/C++, Java, JavaScript, ActionScript, Prolog. I have an experience of model development with the following HDLs: VHDL, Verilog. I have an experience of work with the following simulation languages: UML, GPSS. I have skills of work with the following environments of application development: Turbo C, Borland C, Turbo Pascal, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Visual Basic, Borland Delphi, NuMega Driver Studio, Macromedia Flash. I have skills of work with following CADs: MATHCAD, ORCAD, P-CAD, Electronic Workbench, Active-HDL, Microcap. I carry with psychology, genetics, network technologies. Short biography: My Childhood I was born on April, 19th, 1984 in Makeevka-city of the Donetsk region. Although I do not remember this bright moment, but, on the evidences of eyewitnesses, I yelled as all other children, thus expressing an emphatic protest to doctors and midwifes on an occasion of such an unceremonious violation of My Highnes’s peace and tranqulity. I was the youngest son in my family. It was the most sorrowful circumstance, which I however realised only in the course of time. Yes, I had an elder brother which protected me from everyone, who wanted to taunt a little and weak child, but he did it only in order to shoulder the exhausting burden of «education». Soon appeared the first results of my elder brother’s «care» - in shortest time I learned to hide well, pretend to be sleeping, to simulate the symptoms of epilepsy and radiation disease with acute plausibility, and also aquired heaps of other useful skills, that were necessary for survival in the severe world of one-room flat. My parents, as probably most parents in general, educated me in a hope, that their son would become a clever well-educated young man in the future – they didn’t even suspect, that I would become a programmer. In fact there were so much examples for imitation around: Valery Chkalov is a legendary pilot, Jury Gagarin is a legendary cosmonaut, Alexey Stakhanov is a legendary miner, Jakombo… Stop! It seems, the last is from the other list. As Pushkin, I grew in surrounding of books: there were books on a table, under a table - books, on the shelves - books, in a bookcase - aha, you guessed, also books, in general, wherever you throw a glance there were only books. However, I did not even dare to take the majority of them in my hands, fearing the fracture of extremities and indelible psychical injuries. My School And in 1991 my, till now such an unconcerned, childhood was darkened with another event which parents, and all adults in general, for some reason called the key event - I became a pupil of the first form of I-III stages school ¹60 of the Centralno-gorodskoy district of Makeevka city. I don’t know what made it a key one, but it really was terribly boring - to sit and to spoil my copybooks with crazy scrawl for several hours in a day, doing it with such mien, as if I were Newton whose head has just been struck with an apple - a bump has already appeared, but the law of gravity for some reason is still unknown. But after all burdens and deprivations of primary school, after all I learned to write words and numbers, do mental arithmetic, set fire to eau-de-cologne “Triple”, to melt sugar in a tea-spoon, cock a snook correctly, eat sunfower seats with shells and do a lot of other necessary and useful things. So in 1994, after completion of fourth form at school ¹60 with excellent marks, I was admitted to I-III stages school ¹7 of the Kirovsky district of Makeevka city. There was a lot of clever children in school ¹7, therefore I almost at once found like-minded persons, which also considered, that studying - it is the light, as it known, and it is possible to save on it. But strict teachers apparently had an experience of similar economy and quite compromiseless nipped all our attempts not to break the teeth at the intractable granite of science. In order to avoid the complete crash of our enterprise, it was necessary to gnaw the same granite, representing innermost gladness such «pleasant in all senses» cognitive process. But I also learned here to something - masterly to copy off wrong decisions from the cribs, to correct the blade of error in making and dictations with jeweller exactness, to tell off-hand about dizzy battles of dark ages, which allegedly taking place, masterly to read by heart the verses from the opened book, well-aimed to pelt the brief-cases of class-mates in a basket-ball, well to do wooden candlesticks on a lathe – here was such irreparableness showed through the eyes of teacher on «labours», as though I milled all eggs of Faberzhe on the mixed fodder in his presence. In general I got handsome luggage of knowledges and experience, sufficient for passing to the next level of game called «Life», and in 1999, after completion of ninth class of school ¹7 with excellent marks, I was entered to the lyceum ¹1 with the school ¹61 of the Tsentralno-gorodskoy district of Makeevka city. At this time teachers began to scare us some ghostly certificate of maturity, inappropriate blushing each time in reply to jokes about this ill-starred document. There was more difficult to study in the lyceum - there were much more clever people in the lyceum. The negative side of the lyceum studying was absence of command spirit – all pupils wanted to study. I began to accustom in a new collective, in next time to thank my brother without seeing to due him for ability to survive and adapt. Complications did not arise up in principle - my face was simpler, my nerves was stronger, and in general I never was especially choosy for the choice of circle of intercourse. As a result I quickly found common language almost with all companions in a misfortune, in sense - with class-mates. Although however there were such people, which by virtue of natural sluggishness considered me an alien to the issue in 2001. My University The last fights of final examinations died down in 2001, and I went out from the trench of 11-B class with excellent marks. I successfully passed rating musters and became the student of speciality the "System programming" of faculty of the "Computing engineering and informatics" of the Donetsk national technical university. Then I was sure that long-awaited carefree student life had begun. My naive expectations were blown down the wind such a smoke. You probably think, that I say now, that all five years of university teaching flew as a minute for me, that I even didn’t notice as my student years had passed, that I would learn again from the first course with pleasure. Nothing of the kind! And don’t believe the people, who will talk such things! It were five terribly long years of continuous lectures, laboratory works, controls, modules, sessions and other «unusually pleasant little things». Teachers in the university successfully complemented the idyll of student life, doing everything to depend of them, that will promote the level of professional literacy of students due to reduction of their spare time. It is impossible to say that students remained in a debt, in all ways resisting expansion of knowledges to boundless space of their brains, conducting regular brane cleaning with hot-dogs and washing with “Coca-cola”. Sessions very looked like matches on large tennis - a student flew between dean's office and a teacher, as a ball between two rackets, sometimes getting to «out», which called an order on deduction. Such «matches» quite often delayed to the next session. But here 4 courses have passed and in 2005, in age of 21th, I won the first «war with myself», finishing DonNTU and getting base higher education to direction of preparation the "Computer engineering" and qualification of bachelor of the computer engineering. Presently I continue teaching in the master’s group of DonNTU to chosen direction of preparation for the receipt of qualification of master's degree of the computer engineering. Possibly, someone thinks that in the near future I plan to find well-paid job, to settle down to position with a middle salary and to work followings 30 next years in expectant of pension, hoping that by that time our sensitive goverment will not consider its economic atavism, interfering our state to move forward and coming the «peace in the whole world». You will not wait till! It is absolutely indifferently for me, which size of pay-envelope I will have, how many holidays I will have in a week, when I will have a vacation and whether it will be in general - if my work will be interesting for me and setting problems will become some call to my appearance of thought, I will do my best to take this height, because the most sweet and making drunk victory is the victory over by ITSELF!!! For this reason I don’t see any sense to plan something for more or less remote future in that world, where each subsequent step doesn’t depend on the direction of previous step. |